Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Hundreds of thoughts and ideas...

Whether listening to family members or friends, the TV, a song or seeing a pet, an insect or other forms of our environment and nature... my mind constantly comes up with prospective ideas for my next Children's Book adventure. The only thing that blocks those wonderful ideas is content and time. I also have to complete one or two projects I am already working on first. I can get a bit scattered on thoughts and information and a writer's favorite, writer's block. Ugh! 

Sticking with a genre seems to keep me centered, although it is very easy for this mind to wonder every so often. As an adult, one wants to do fun adult ventures, but they turn right back to the children in wanting to teach them good morals, how to have good clean fun and to help out our young adult parents with those objectives. I feel grandparents can be a big part of this process in teaching little ones from a very early age. Parents, foster parents, relatives of any age and family friends, besides school and library events, can make a big difference in the rearing up of a child and their ability to read and comprehend. And that goes for some special needs children also.

This is my way of helping out and hopefully making a positive difference. Ideas, keep on flooding this grandmother's brain. 

Saturday, May 21, 2016

May 21, 2016...Write, write, write is my mantra.

     Writing has filled the air. Just look at book stores on the street or on the internet. Writing groups are popping up all over each state.  Whether self-publishing (do it yourself) or paying a traditional publisher, which is fading, many new books are also popping up all over.  The rumor is some well known writers are self-publishing, because royalties are higher then traditional publishing payouts.  
     But there are those who feel going the traditional route will be a better path to take as a writer.  Times are changing and many are jumping on the band wagon to help a new or seasoned writer to self-publish. New writers might have a hard time setting their word files up to be downloaded to print-on-demand companies, so new companies are offering their expertise at a price.
     It is a toss up on which way to go.  Some writers are lucky to be noticed while self-publishing or traditionally publishing.  It is up to the individual's choice which avenue they want to take.  To be continued.......